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My new store test and review..Really want a third party opinion!


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This is store apparel and electronics wholesale site. Im not a programmer or web development guy so i learned everything from scratch! I really look forward to hearing back on any issues and or suggestions of changes to make the site better whether that be modules or anyway to clean it up or just anything really. i really want my site to appeal to everyone!

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It's millenium theme from themeforest. Looks very nice & modern.

One small tweak needed - where your product descriptions go onto a third line, it interferes with the price.

Also, in the bottom left corner of the box surrounding the new products, there is the letter 'k' - not sure what that's there for.

Thanks, Dave

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Yeah its that theme. Yeah those to problems ive asked for help fixing from a buddy but he isnt getting paid so he takes his sweat time lol. Im not a coder but i am learning slowly but I know PS after hours and hours off reading and hands on and help in this forum! If you willing and you have the time would you tell me how to fix it so there is space between descrip. and price and maybe even how to remove the "k"

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