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Changing product url - what happens to the old one?


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I used to have a product with the url exampleshop.com/12-best-product BUT I changed it to exampleshop.com/12-new-best-product


What is the default prestashop behaviour if someone accesses the old (exampleshop.com/12-best-product) page?


Is there a way to do an automatic 301 when changing the product url ?


I've read that prestashop automatically does a redirect after changing the product url but google takes it as two separate pages with duplicit content, which is not good.

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What is the default prestashop behaviour if someone accesses the old (exampleshop.com/12-best-product) page?

if you will open old url 12-best-product you will be automatically redirected to correct new adddress: exampleshop.com/12-new-best-product

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  • 6 months later...

But it does not seem to work if you change global settings. In other words, there is no 301 if you in the Preferences->SEO & URLs change the delimiter for example.


Route to product

Before: {category:/}{rewrite}-{id}.html

After: {category:/}{rewrite}_{id}.html

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