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White page on Admin order page :(

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I have this weird error. I just changed server and everything is working fine. 

But when I try to look at one order up, It seems like the page has no stylesheet. But no stylesheet is missing or has a wrong URL?

Every other page is fine. http://cl.ly/image/1n1n2q1k0F1A I've posted the error message under. 


Unknown column 'a.start_day' in 'where clause'

SELECT a.`id_ps_advice`, a.`selector`, a.`location`, al.`html`
FROM `ps_advice` a

			LEFT JOIN `ps_advice_lang` al ON al.`id_advice` = a.`id_advice`
			LEFT JOIN `ps_tab_advice` at ON at.`id_advice` = a.`id_advice` 
			a.validated = 1 AND 
			al.id_lang = 2 AND 
			at.`id_tab` = 31 AND 
			((a.start_day = 0 AND a.stop_day = 0) OR (13 >= a.start_day AND 13 <= a.stop_day)))

at line 613 in file classes/db/Db.php
607. 			WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '[SQL Error] '.$this->getMsgError().'. From '.(isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '').'->'.$dbg[3]['function'].'() Query was : '.$sql, 97);
608. 		}
609. 		else if (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS'))
610. 		{
611. 			if ($sql)
612. 				throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError().'<br /><br /><pre>'.$sql.'</pre>');
613. 			throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError());
614. 		}
615. 	}
617. 	/**
DbCore->displayError - [line 313 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments]
DbCore->query - [line 488 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments]
DbCore->executeS - [line 93 - modules/gamification/classes/Advice.php] - [1 Arguments]
Advice::getValidatedByIdTab - [line 145 - modules/gamification/gamification.php] - [1 Arguments]
Gamification->hookDisplayBackOfficeHeader - [line 473 - classes/Hook.php] - [1 Arguments]
HookCore::exec - [line 1869 - classes/controller/AdminController.php] - [2 Arguments]
AdminControllerCore->init - [line 150 - classes/controller/Controller.php] - [0 Argument]
ControllerCore->run - [line 348 - classes/Dispatcher.php] - [0 Argument]
DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 53 - admin0526/index.php] - [0 Argument]
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