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Limit employee price view permission


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Hello everyone!


I have one employee that will do the product descriptions for me but I not want him to see or change prices. Since this all is in the catalog/product category, he can do everything. There is no option to limit an employees permissions further then "product".


Is there something I am overlooking? Is that finer grain permission hidden somewhere?


I can also change the website files. I know html and css. I can manipulate php and java but not write it myself.


Thanks in advance!



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Looking for an answer too. Anyone? 


Found a somewhat incomplete solution:


inside price.tpl you have access to $employee object, so find the HTML code that contains wholesale price (there is <div class="form-group"> ... </div>) and wrap it in next condition:

{if $employee->id_profile == 1}
<div class="form-group">
...html code...

where 1 it is Id for SuperAdmin profile by default.


Anyone can help with a complete coding?

Edited by newcomer (see edit history)
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  • 5 months later...


Found a somewhat incomplete solution:


inside price.tpl you have access to $employee object, so find the HTML code that contains wholesale price (there is <div class="form-group"> ... </div>) and wrap it in next condition:

{if $employee->id_profile == 1}

<div class="form-group">

...html code...



where 1 it is Id for SuperAdmin profile by default.


This is a good approach indeed. Keep going!

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  • 9 months later...

How is it with the latest 1.7 version? Where is the price.tpl file located? Within "admin\themes\default\template" i can't find it at all.


Can somebody please help me, i'm lost here.


Thank you and best regards,



  On 3/10/2016 at 3:58 PM, newcomer said:

Looking for an answer too. Anyone? 


Found a somewhat incomplete solution:


inside price.tpl you have access to $employee object, so find the HTML code that contains wholesale price (there is <div class="form-group"> ... </div>) and wrap it in next condition:

{if $employee->id_profile == 1}
<div class="form-group">
...html code...

where 1 it is Id for SuperAdmin profile by default.


Anyone can help with a complete coding?

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With Windows command line i was able to find the right file - src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/form.html.twig


But now i don't know how to work with TWIG files. I did try to modify it by adding some random heading html tag but nothing happens actually, when i refresh product editing page and click on the Pricing Tab.


What am i doing wrong?



  On 6/6/2017 at 11:27 PM, Housy said:


How is it with the latest 1.7 version? Where is the price.tpl file located? Within "admin\themes\default\template" i can't find it at all.


Can somebody please help me, i'm lost here.


Thank you and best regards,



Edited by Housy (see edit history)
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