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Online pharmacy from Croatia


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This is an online pharmacy from Croatia. It is an extension from three physical pharmacies in northern part of Croatia. 


Please let me know if You find some flaws in this web shop.




Also I'm having trouble marketing this shop, many blogs or sites don't accept pharmacies because of the many illegal online pharmacies. Every bit of information is helpfull.


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Good morning


The first thing I see is 4 x Social media, normally their is not enough but in you case perhaps a couple too many.


Nice colours and design, it looks like a pharmacy


I do not know the language but apparently clicking "in stock" adds an item to the cart, although you cannot see this happen.


Wish I knew the language it would help me give a more constructive appraisal


Anyway, I like it



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Thx for Your time and reply.

What do You mean by 4 x Social media?

4 different social media sites or 4 places where we put the social media links?


There should not be any in stock button or link. Maybe it is wrong translation. Did You use google translate? Where is this link?

Putting something into cart is done by ajax cart. You should see the item going to the cart.

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