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Webmaster Tools verification Problem - Please advise

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I have a site that was recently developed by a French company (utileo.fr) and I have not figured out how to verify the site for webmaster tools. Typically I would just create a page with the CMS (if using OS commerce or Magento for example) using the WMT provided URL. The problem I'm having is that the CMS for Presta Shop (or at least as currently configured) adds a number to the URL for all new content pages. I could also add some text to the homepage, however I don't have the technical knowledge to do it directly on the server, and my homepage doesn't appear in the list of pages in the CMS tab.

The development company has since gone under and I have not yet found a replacement ... so any ideas for what I can do would be greatly appreciated. Step by step instructions for adding content to the homepage or creating a new page on the server would be fine (if anyone is willing to take the time). I am technically adept but lacking in specific development/server knowledge. If possible to do with via FTP, that would be ideal for me.

Thanks in advance,

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