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If category = x -> shippingtype = y

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Hi there,


I would like to use two kind of shipping methods. One is DHL (for packages). Another one would be letter-format.


Now comes the part which I would like to ask, how to solve it:


If customer orders some products from Category A - only DHL should appear

If customer order some products from category B - only letterformat should appear

If customer order some products from category A + B, then only DHL should appear.


How can I solve this? And is there a way to mass-update all my product's shipping-types? I dont want to do it for more than 400 products manually via the GUI....

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Problem I have: When combining two items, the shipping costs of both services will be added, instead of just choosing the DHL for example.


Is there any solution for this? I could also agree with a solution that :


If customer orders some products from Category A - only DHL should appear

If customer order some products from category B - DHL and letterformat should appear (so customer can choose the favorite shipping method)

If customer order some products from category A + B, then only DHL should appear.

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