phil044 Posted January 7, 2014 Share Posted January 7, 2014 Bonjour, J'ai tenté la mise à jour avec auto-upgrade de 1.4.11 vers 1.5.6. après avoir fait la mise à jour de 1.4.9 à 1.4.11 sans réel problème. Et après la mise à jour tous les prix étaient à zero. en message d'erreur : tools/geoip/GeoLiteCity.dat (size : 19450763) has been skipped during backup. [ERROR] SQL 1054 in UPDATE ps_stock_mvt sm SET sm.id_stock = IFNULL(( SELECT IFNULL(s.id_stock, 0) FROM ps_stock s WHERE s.id_product = sm.id_product AND s.id_product_attribute = sm.id_product_attribute ORDER BY s.id_shop ), 0): Unknown column 'sm.id_product' in 'where clause' [ERROR] SQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `ps_tax_rule` (`id_tax_rules_group`, `id_country`, `id_state`, `id_tax`, `behavior`, `zipcode_from`, `zipcode_to`, `id_county`, `description`, `state_behavior`, `county_behavior`) SELECT r.`id_tax_rules_group`, r.`id_country`, r.`id_state`, r.`id_tax`, 0, z.`from_zip_code`, z.`to_zip_code`, r.`id_county`, r.`description`, r.`state_behavior`, r.county_behavior FROM `ps_tax_rule` r INNER JOIN `ps_county_zip_code` z ON (z.`id_county` = r.`id_county`): Table 'altishoppresta.ps_county_zip_code' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1054 in UPDATE `ps_tax_rule` SET `behavior` = GREATEST(`state_behavior`, `county_behavior`): Unknown column 'state_behavior' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in DELETE FROM `ps_tax_rule` WHERE `id_county` != 0 AND `zipcode_from` = 0: Unknown column 'id_county' in 'where clause' [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_county_zip_code`: Unknown table 'ps_county_zip_code' [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_county`: Unknown table 'ps_county' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_download` CHANGE `date_deposit` `date_add` DATETIME NOT NULL: Unknown column 'date_deposit' in 'ps_product_download' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_product_download` CHANGE `physically_filename` `filename` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL: Unknown column 'physically_filename' in 'ps_product_download' [ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_payment_cc` CHANGE `id_payment_cc` `id_order_payment` INT NOT NULL auto_increment: Table 'altishoppresta.ps_payment_cc' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_payment_cc` ADD `id_order_invoice` varchar(255) NOT NULL AFTER `id_order_payment`: Table 'altishoppresta.ps_payment_cc' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_payment_cc` ADD `payment_method` varchar(255) NOT NULL AFTER `amount`: Table 'altishoppresta.ps_payment_cc' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_payment_cc` ADD `conversion_rate` decimal(13,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `payment_method`: Table 'altishoppresta.ps_payment_cc' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule_lang` CHANGE `id_discount` `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_discount' in 'ps_cart_rule_lang' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule_lang` CHANGE `description` `name` varchar(254) NOT NULL: Unknown column 'description' in 'ps_cart_rule_lang' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value` CHANGE `id_category` `id_item` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_category' in 'ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value` CHANGE `id_discount` `id_product_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_discount' in 'ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_cart_rule_product_rule` (`id_product_rule`, `id_cart_rule`, `quantity`, `type`) ( SELECT DISTINCT `id_product_rule`, `id_product_rule`, 1, 'categories' FROM `ps_cart_rule_product_rule_value` ): Unknown column 'id_cart_rule' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_discount` CHANGE `id_discount` `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL: Table 'altishoppresta.ps_cart_discount' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_discount` CHANGE `id_discount` `id_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL: Table 'altishoppresta.ps_order_discount' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_discount` CHANGE `id_order_discount` `id_order_cart_rule` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT: Table 'altishoppresta.ps_order_discount' doesn't exist [ERROR] PHP /* Update records before alter tables */ /* PHP:set_stock_available(); */ 1054 - (products)Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1242 in UPDATE `ps_order_detail` od SET od.`id_order_invoice` = IFNULL(( SELECT oi.`id_order_invoice` FROM `ps_order_invoice` oi WHERE oi.`id_order` = od.`id_order` ), 0): Subquery returns more than 1 row [ERROR] SQL 1242 in INSERT INTO `ps_order_carrier` (`id_order`, `id_carrier`, `id_order_invoice`, `weight`, `shipping_cost_tax_excl`, `shipping_cost_tax_incl`, `tracking_number`, `date_add`) ( SELECT `id_order`, `id_carrier`, ( SELECT oi.`id_order_invoice` FROM `ps_order_invoice` oi WHERE oi.`id_order` = o.`id_order` ), ( SELECT SUM(`product_weight`) FROM `ps_order_detail` od WHERE od.`id_order` = o.`id_order` ), `total_shipping_tax_excl`, `total_shipping_tax_incl`, `shipping_number`, `date_add` FROM `ps_orders` o ): Subquery returns more than 1 row [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_cart_rule_product_rule_group` (`id_product_rule_group`, `id_cart_rule`, `quantity`) ( SELECT `id_cart_rule`, `id_cart_rule`, `quantity` FROM `ps_cart_rule_product_rule` ): Unknown column 'id_cart_rule' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule_product_rule` CHANGE `id_cart_rule` `id_product_rule_group` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_cart_rule' in 'ps_cart_rule_product_rule' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_configuration`(`id_group_shop`, `id_shop`, `name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, 'PS_LOGO', 'logo.jpg', NOw(), NOW()), (NULL, NULL, 'PS_LOGO_MAIL', 'logo_mail.jpg', NOw(), NOW()), (NULL, NULL, 'PS_LOGO_INVOICE', 'logo_invoice.jpg', NOW(), NOW()), (NULL, NULL, 'PS_FAVICON', 'favicon.jpg', NOW(), NOW()), (NULL, NULL, 'PS_STORES_ICON', 'logo_stores.gif', NOW(), NOW()): Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_subdomain`: Unknown table 'ps_subdomain' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_shop_group` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_shop_group' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_shop` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_stock_available` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_stock_available' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_cart' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_configuration` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_configuration' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_connections` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_connections' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_customer' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_delivery` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_delivery' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_orders` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_orders' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in ALTER TABLE `ps_page_viewed` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Unknown column 'id_group_shop' in 'ps_page_viewed' [ERROR] SQL 1242 in INSERT INTO `ps_product_attribute_shop` (`id_product_attribute`, `id_shop`, `wholesale_price`, `price`, `ecotax`, `weight`, `unit_price_impact`, `default_on`, `minimal_quantity`, `available_date`) (SELECT `id_product_attribute`, (SELECT `value` FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'), `wholesale_price`, `price`, `ecotax`, `weight`, `unit_price_impact`, `default_on`, `minimal_quantity`, `available_date` FROM `ps_product_attribute`): Subquery returns more than 1 row [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_attribute_shop` (`id_attribute`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_attribute, c.id_shop FROM ps_attribute_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Unknown column 'a.id_attribute' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `ps_feature_shop` (`id_feature`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_feature, c.id_shop FROM ps_feature_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'altishoppresta.ps_feature_group_shop' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_feature_group_shop`: Unknown table 'ps_feature_group_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `ps_group_shop` (`id_group`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_group, c.id_shop FROM ps_group_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'altishoppresta.ps_group_group_shop' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_group_group_shop`: Unknown table 'ps_group_group_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `ps_attribute_group_shop` (`id_attribute_group`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_attribute_group, c.id_shop FROM ps_attribute_group_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'altishoppresta.ps_attribute_group_group_shop' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_attribute_group_group_shop`: Unknown table 'ps_attribute_group_group_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `ps_tax_rules_group_shop` (`id_tax_rules_group`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_tax_rules_group, c.id_shop FROM ps_tax_rules_group_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'altishoppresta.ps_tax_rules_group_group_shop' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_tax_rules_group_group_shop`: Unknown table 'ps_tax_rules_group_group_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `ps_zone_shop` (`id_zone`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_zone, c.id_shop FROM ps_zone_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'altishoppresta.ps_zone_group_shop' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_zone_group_shop`: Unknown table 'ps_zone_group_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `ps_manufacturer_shop` (`id_manufacturer`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_manufacturer, c.id_shop FROM ps_manufacturer_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'altishoppresta.ps_manufacturer_group_shop' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_manufacturer_group_shop`: Unknown table 'ps_manufacturer_group_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `ps_supplier_shop` (`id_supplier`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_supplier, c.id_shop FROM ps_supplier_group_shop a LEFT JOIN ps_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN ps_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'altishoppresta.ps_supplier_group_shop' doesn't exist [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_supplier_group_shop`: Unknown table 'ps_supplier_group_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_accounting_zone_shop`: Unknown table 'ps_accounting_zone_shop' [ERROR] SQL 1051 in DROP TABLE `ps_accounting_product_zone_shop`: Unknown table 'ps_accounting_product_zone_shop' [ERROR] PHP /* PHP:p15012_add_missing_columns(); */ 1 - UPDATE `ps_order_payment` SET `id_order_invoice` = 0 WHERE `id_order_invoice` LIKE "" OR `id_order_invoice` IS NULLUnknown column 'id_order_invoice' in 'where clause' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in INSERT INTO `ps_order_invoice_payment` (SELECT id_order_invoice, id_order_payment, id_order FROM `ps_order_payment` WHERE id_order_invoice > 0): Unknown column 'id_order_invoice' in 'field list' [ERROR] SQL 1054 in -- Step 2: Add the collumn id_order_reference ALTER TABLE `ps_order_payment` ADD COLUMN `order_reference` VARCHAR(10) AFTER `id_order`, ADD INDEX `order_reference`(`order_reference`): Unknown column 'id_order' in 'ps_order_payment' [ERROR] PHP /* PHP:p15014_add_missing_columns(); */ 1 - Duplicate column name 'id_shop_group' [ERROR] PHP /* PHP:p1540_add_missing_columns(); */ 1 - Can't DROP 'product_sqlstock'; check that column/key exists Erreur(s) détectée(s) pendant la mise à jour. J'ai restauré à la version 1.4.11 et j'ai retrouvé les prix des articles. Mais comment faire la mise à jour sans ces warning ? quelqu'un à une idée ? merci Phil warning.txt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phil044 Posted January 7, 2014 Author Share Posted January 7, 2014 désolé j'avais pas vu qu'il fallait indiquer les versions dans le titre du post Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phil044 Posted January 8, 2014 Author Share Posted January 8, 2014 Bonjour Personne n'as une idée ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gregory Roussac Posted January 22, 2014 Share Posted January 22, 2014 Bonjour, A priori vous avez fait un aller retour et il a gardé des tables de la 1.5 dans la 1.4. En essayant de repasser à la 1.5, il tombe sur ces tables déjà à jour. Essayez de mettre à jour le module d'upgrade en 1.2.6 svp et si vous avez encore des erreurs SQL mailez moi un accès temporaire à votre back office et ftp svp. Cordialement Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phil044 Posted January 23, 2014 Author Share Posted January 23, 2014 Bonjour Gregory merci pour votre réponse, je vais mettre à jour le module autoupgrade. J'avais posté sur le forum en anglais le même post et on m'avait dit la même chose et il m'avait conseillé de faire une mise à jour manuelle. a noter que ce site est chez ovh, et que pour essai, après ce problème, j'ai fait une copie du site et de la Bd en l'installant sur un autre nom de domaine (chez 1and1) et que j'ai pu mettre à jour jusqu'a la version sans probleme avec le module autoupgrade. Phil Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phil044 Posted January 23, 2014 Author Share Posted January 23, 2014 (edited) la mise à jour de site en copie (1and1)de 1.5.4 vers s'est passé sans probleme, reste à faire les tests et à tenter la mise à jour du site en prod (ovh) Edited January 23, 2014 by phil044 (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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