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Add icons to blocktopmenu

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Hello everyone.


I need to add some icons to dropdown list at blocktopmenu module. Firstly I created additional column in ps_category_lang table to hold the links to the .png's files, and now as I suppose I need to put some modification in blocktopmenu.php file.


Near #642 line I put following code:

$menu_image = Db::getInstance()->Execute('SELECT * FROM ps_category_lang WHERE id_category = '.(int)$id_category.'');
$this->_menu .= '<img src="'.$menu_image['menu_icon'].'" />';

but unfortunatelly images didn't appears. It's my first shop with Prestashop, so I'm weak at this moment with Smarty's syntax. Can anyone help me with this (I believe) small problem? Many thanks in advance!

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