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Stop-gap CMS

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James posted a solution for adding extra pages using a couple of files.
I've put something together which makes the process a bit easier.

First create a page called cms.php in the prestahop root directory and put this in it:

$thepage = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $_GET["pg"] );

What this does is it brings in the standard header and footer and then calls in the content based on the filename passed in the URL.
So, to create a new "About us" page you would create a file called cms_aboutus.tpl in the theme directory and put all the html in it.

To display it you would type in www.yourdomain.com/cms.php?pg=aboutus
The script cleans the pg variable to stop naughty people from hacking in then it adds "cms_" to the start and .tpl to the end.

Hope this is useful. I'm using it in conjunction with a mini-cms called lilcms (www.lilcms.com) to allow the client to update it.

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Thank you very much!
I use Lil'CMS 2 and it is enough for me before PS team implement cms into Prestashop.

I made it this way:

- LilCMS is installed in mysite.com/cms66/

- Under mysite.com/cms66/content/ folder, I have files like Conditions.txt, Aboutus.txt, ...

- cms.php contains:

$thepage = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $_GET["pg"] );
$smarty->assign('page', stripslashes($thepage));
$smarty->assign('cmsdir', dirname(__FILE__).'/cms66');


- cms.tpl contains:

{include file=$cmsdir./content/$page.txt}

- thanks to Tinymce, I can simply edit the *.txt files and dont need tpl file for each page.

In my opinion, this solution is even more simple :)

But I have problems with images, I havent maneged to include right image path with tinymce :(
My suggestion is to make some code storing in database relevant groups of articles and also offer another relevant articles to the visitors of my pages.

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