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[SOLVED] Crossed old price on Prestashop

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i need some help, i need that old prices will be shown on Prise list. So i find code and instert it in price-list.tpl file. He works great and now i can see a product old price, but... But i need that this old price will be crossed and dont know how to do that, I searched in the forums and finded css codes, but no ones worked at all. Any solution?


Edited by romienas (see edit history)
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Add a class to the HTML element that contains the old price, e.g.:- old_price

Add the old price to the css file and set its style as: text-decoration:line-through;






The CartExpert Team

thank you for your replay Robin,

i'm not good in php. So can you explain more how do that?

I use that code in price-list.tpl file:

{if isset($product.reduction) && $product.reduction && isset($product.show_price) && $product.show_price && !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}
    <span id="old_price_display">{convertPrice price=$product.price_without_reduction}</span>
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