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Google adsense inside a div tag

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I've installed google adsense module and i've pasted my adsense code in Google Adsense -> Settings. So the result is, ads are displayed. But I want that module to be displayed inside my custom div tag. So that whenever the admin changes the code in admin settings i.e, "Google Adsense -> Settings" it must be updated in the page. I'm a newbie to prestashop. Please help me. Thank you for the response.

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  • 3 weeks later...

thank you


it's weird module, 

it doesn't use template file to include code!

	function hookHome($params)
		$output = html_entity_decode(Configuration::get('GADSENSE_ID'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
		return $output;

what prestashop version you use? i have to test it on exact version

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