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How to use PHP code in smarty product page?


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Hi Mates,


I have a PHP code which is working with PS


Its a countdown timer which provides difference between current time and 15th hour that day. Its a process which works daily.


Herewith providing the example link.




Here is my code:

$todayDate = date("j");
$todayMonth = date("n");
$todayTime = date("G");
$todayYear = date("Y");
$leapYear = $todayYear/4;
$leapYear = strpos($leapYear, ".");

if(empty($leapYear)) {

if($todayTime < $this->_tpl_vars[special][PS_DELIVERY_COUNTDOWN_TIME]) {
	$date = $todayDate;
	$month = $todayMonth;
else {
	if($todayMonth == 1) {
		if($todayDate == 31){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 2;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;
	elseif($todayMonth == 2) {
		if((empty($leapYear)) && ($todayDate == 29)) {
			$date = 1;
			$month = 3;
		elseif(($todayDate == 28) && !empty($leapYear)){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 3;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;
	elseif($todayMonth == 3) {
		if($todayDate == 31){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 4;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;
	elseif($todayMonth == 4) {
		if($todayDate == 30){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 5;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;
	elseif($todayMonth == 5) {
		if($todayDate == 31){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 6;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;
	elseif($todayMonth == 6) {
		if($todayDate == 30){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 7;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;
	elseif($todayMonth == 7) {
		if($todayDate == 31){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 8;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;
	elseif($todayMonth == 8) {
		if($todayDate == 31){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 9;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;
	elseif($todayMonth == 9) {
		if($todayDate == 30){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 10;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;
	elseif($todayMonth == 10) {
		if($todayDate == 31){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 11;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;
	elseif($todayMonth == 11) {
		if($todayDate == 30){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 12;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;
	elseif($todayMonth == 12) {
		if($todayDate == 31){
			$date = 1;
			$month = 1;
			$todayYear = $todayYear+1;
		else {
			$date = $todayDate+1;
			$month = $todayMonth;

$target =  mktime($this->_tpl_vars[special][PS_DELIVERY_COUNTDOWN_TIME], 0, 0, $month, $date, $todayYear);

$curTime = time();
$nextReset = $target-$curTime;

if((date("l") == 'Friday' AND $nextReset > 43200) OR (date("l") == 'Saturday') OR (date("l") == 'Sunday')) {
else {
	if($nextReset <= 43200) {
		$sendDay = "I DAG";	
	else {
		$sendDay = "I MORGEN";

{if $product->quantity > 0}
<script type="text/javascript">
var nTime = {/literal}{php} echo $nextReset; {/php}{literal};

function countDown() {
    var nH = Math.floor(nTime/3600),
    nRest = nTime%3600,
    nM = Math.floor(nRest/60),
    nS = nRest%60;
    if (nM<10) nM = "0" + nM;
    if (nS<10) nS = "0" + nS;
    oTime.firstChild.nodeValue = (nH+" time(r) "+nM+" min "+nS+" sek");
    if (nTime==0) {
    } else {
        setTimeout("countDown()", 1000);
var oTime = null;
window.onload = function() {
    oTime = document.getElementById("timeDisplay");

{if $product->quantity > 0}
{if $special.PS_DELIVERY_COUNTDOWN == '1'}
	{if $special.PS_DELIVERY_COUNTDOWN_MSG != ""}
		<div class="timeleft">{$special.PS_DELIVERY_COUNTDOWN_MSG}</div>
	{elseif $mandag == 'True'}
		<div class="timeleft">Hvis du bestiller nu,<br />
		sender vi pakken <strong>MANDAG</strong> !
		<div class="timeleft">Hvis du bestiller inden<br />
		<span id="timeDisplay"> </span><br />
		sender vi pakken <strong>{php} echo $sendDay; {/php}</strong> !

I need this code to implemented in PS


Please help me in this.


Thanks in advance.

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{php}{/php} tags no longer works in prestashop

these tags are disabled.


if you want to use it, you have to turn it on again.

check this 



The use of the {php}{/php} tags in .tpl files is turned off in somme versions of Prestashop

I had the same problem using Prestashop To turn it on make changes in the file config/smarty.config.inc.php :

find these lines (line 27 to line33)

define('_PS_SMARTY_DIR_', _PS_TOOL_DIR_.'smarty/');


global $smarty;
$smarty = new Smarty();

change it to

define('_PS_SMARTY_DIR_', _PS_TOOL_DIR_.'smarty/');


global $smarty;
$smarty = new SmartyBC();

...shortly, use SmartyBC.class.php instead of Smarty.class.php

(warning: using {php}{/php} tags in template files is deprecated in Prestashop!)

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Hello Usman,


Follow these steps to add timer in product page,


1) Create countdown.js file in your themes js folder, and put this code into that file

(function($) {
	$.fn.countdown = function(options, callback) {

		//custom 'this' selector
		thisEl = $(this);

		//array of custom settings
		var settings = { 
			'date': null,
			'format': null,
			'curr_date': null

		//append the settings array to options
		if(options) {
			$.extend(settings, options);
		//main countdown function
		function countdown_proc() {
			eventDate = Date.parse(settings['date']) / 1000;
			currentDate = Math.floor($.now() / 1000);
			if(eventDate <= currentDate) {
			seconds = eventDate - currentDate;
			days = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60 * 24)); //calculate the number of days
			seconds -= days * 60 * 60 * 24; //update the seconds variable with no. of days removed
			hours = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60));
			seconds -= hours * 60 * 60; //update the seconds variable with no. of hours removed
			minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
			seconds -= minutes * 60; //update the seconds variable with no. of minutes removed
			//conditional Ss
			if (days == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefDays").text("day"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefDays").text("days"); }
			if (hours == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefHours").text("hr"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefHours").text("hrs"); }
			if (minutes == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefMinutes").text("min"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefMinutes").text("mins"); }
			if (seconds == 1) { thisEl.find(".timeRefSeconds").text("sec"); } else { thisEl.find(".timeRefSeconds").text("secs"); }
			//logic for the two_digits ON setting
			if(settings['format'] == "on") {
				days = (String(days).length >= 2) ? days : "0" + days;
				hours = (String(hours).length >= 2) ? hours : "0" + hours;
				minutes = (String(minutes).length >= 2) ? minutes : "0" + minutes;
				seconds = (String(seconds).length >= 2) ? seconds : "0" + seconds;
			//update the countdown's html values.
			if(!isNaN(eventDate)) {
			} else { 
				alert("Invalid date. Here's an example: 12 Tuesday 2012 17:30:00");
		//run the function
		//loop the function
		interval = setInterval(countdown_proc, 1000);
}) (jQuery);

2) Update ProductController.php from controllers/front folder with attached one.

3) open product.tpl file from you theme folder,

a) Add this code

<script type="text/javascript">
		date: '{$next_date_time}',
		format: "on"
	function() {
		// callback function

right after this code 

{include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"}

b )Add this code 

{* Timer Starts *}
	<div id="timer">
		<ul id="countdown">
					<span class="days">00</span>
					<p class="timeRefDays">days</p>
					<span class="hours">00</span>
					<p class="timeRefHours">hrs</p>
					<span class="minutes">00</span>
					<p class="timeRefMinutes">mins</p>
					<span class="seconds">00</span>
					<p class="timeRefSeconds">secs</p>
	{* Timer Ends *}

before this line

<!-- availability -->

4) Adding some style, Open global.css from yourthemes folder,

add this code at the end,

/* ---------- TIMER ---------- */
ul#countdown li {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 44px;
  text-align: center;
  font-family: georgia;margin-right: 3px;
  color: #FFFFFF; -moz-border-radius: 5px; /* FF1+ */ -webkit-border-radius: 5px; /* Saf3+, Chrome */border-radius: 5px; /* Opera 10.5, IE 9 */
ul#countdown li span {
  font-size: 24px;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: #FFFFFF;
  height: 108px;
  position: relative;
ul#countdown li span::before {
  content: '';
  width: 100%;
  height: 1px;
  position: absolute;
ul#countdown li p.timeRefDays,
ul#countdown li p.timeRefHours,
ul#countdown li p.timeRefMinutes,
ul#countdown li p.timeRefSeconds {
margin: 2px 0 6px;
font-size: 16px;
padding: 0;
color: white;

Do changes as above and Enjoy!!!


Please Note that, these all changes i have done is with default prestashop theme, one can use these as their own way.

ProductController.phpFetching info...

Edited by divyeshp (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 1/28/2014 at 6:30 AM, lidaniel5 said:

Thank you  divyeshp i tried your code but the format of date for ProductController.php this are examples      


$today = date('M d,Y H:i:s');

$next_date_time = date('M d,Y H:i:s', strtotime($today)+54000); // 15hrs=60*60*15= 54000




Hello Lidaniel,

Format of date should be 'd F Y H:i:s'

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