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LeoMobile: How to change main page sliders

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Hi everyone,


My website: http://futurephones.com.au


I have managed to change all the other banners on the main page, but I cant find anywhere how to change the Slider rotating banners on the main page.  There doesn't appear to be any module for this...


I can change the image in the cPanel backend but there's still default text over the image.


Whats the best way to do it?




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I found the module.  Do a SEARCH at the top of your back office and search for "slider".  It will display a search results with a link for the module.  However, when I view modules normally, this module is not listed.  By all accounts, it should be -- which seems to be a bug.  But a search finds it and allows me to change the slider images.  This was driving me nuts!

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