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Advanced Stock Management Function - Packs are shown as out of stock

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I have enabled advanced stock management for one of my products and I have set up a warehouse and entered inventory into it.  I have created a second product which is a pack that consists of three units of the first product combined.  Thus, the inventory drawn on for the pack should be the single product.  


When the customer orders this item, an error occurs and they receive an e-mail that states that one or more of the items they have ordered is out of stock.  


I have seen other threads relating to this but no solution so I started a new one.  Is this just a bug or am I missing something in configuring the pack?  


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I have effectively had to turn off Advanced Stock Management at this point as it does not function properly from what I can see in this scenario (e.g. a product that is a pack of another single product shows as out of stock when ordered in the front office even though the base product is in inventory).  


I have read all the forums around this issue and there doesn't seem to be any solution posted.  I have checked the following:

1) Confirmed Advanced Stock Management is on for both products - currently these are only two products I have in my store.  The base product is a single unit.  The pack product is a three month supply that uses three of the base products for the pack.  

2) Both products are sourced from the same warehouse

3) Both the pack product and base product have identical shipping options (e.g. no carriers are selected so that all carriers can be used.  BTW, to simplify things I have only one carrier in my test set up to ensure there are no shipping conflicts)

4)  Stock has been created in the warehouse and is in ample supply for the base product (5,000 units).  There is no option to add stock for the pack product, only for the base product.  This is as it should be but perhaps there is some other setting I am missing here?

5) The warehouse shipping options allow shipping to all carriers to ensure that there is not issue there with a conflict between product specific shipping options and the warehouse shipping capabilities


Still, when an order is placed in the front office an error message occurs in checkout.  It is nonspecific at the checkout phase.  The customer notification e-mail that follows states that the item is out of stock and may be delayed.  I have the preferences enabled so that an order can still be placed even if an item is out of stock so the transaction still goes through.  When the customer invoice is accessed, the item is shown as out of stock even though it clearly is in stock.


In the back office under orders, the quantity is shown as -1 for the pack.  It is shown as in backorder.  


After going through every possible reduction to simplify the test store as much as possible to get this working, I simply do not believe that this function works properly.  I am using the newest stable release of Prestashop.  My service provider is Fatcow and Prestashop was installed via SimpleScripts.  Perhaps there is some setting on there end that is preventing it from working but I do not know.


Secondarily, I have also tried the function offline with the Bitnami stack install on my local machine and have had the same results.  This leads me to believe that it is not something specific to Fatcow.


I would love to have this actually work.  Until then, I guess I am back to managing inventory on an external spreadsheet and updating the backoffice manually on a periodic basis.

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I'm still building my first shop and my client just said that this is a deal breaker for us. We can't allow ordering of out of stock items, but then ordering packs becomes impossible!
Have you tried 1.6 alpha: http://www.prestashop.com/en/developers-versions
I think I'll try it later today. Please report here, if you have time to test before me.

Edit: see below.

Here are all the open issues I found that are somehow related to our problem:
This guy even has fixes: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-11263 Can you test them? I don't have time right now!
The above is a clone of this "fixed" bug, which has an interesting comment by a PS dev: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-5607

Rémi GAILLARD added a comment - 09/Jan/13 6:50 PM

Hi Javier,

The products in the pack can use the advanced stock management system but the pack itself can't.

Edited by Beluga (see edit history)
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I have figured out a way to make the advanced stock management to work that I am currently using.  However, it is a little less than desirable.  Basically, when you have the pack, you have to manually enter a quantity for the pack.  At first I was leaving this field blank because the number of units should be determined by the number of base units that are in stock (at least that is what I thought).  Still, Prestashop, apparently needs a value there.  At first, I thought this would throw off the inventory, but it doesn't.  All you have to do is keep an eye on that number you entered for the packs and ensure that it never drops below zero and then the customer doesn't get the false out of stock alert.  I haven't had time to test a scenario where there is a number of packs entered is greater than the number of base units stock as my local install has crashed and I need to reinstall it.  At the end of the day, it is not a truly automated solution.


This function needs real improvement in my opinion.  I'll keep updating this thread as I learn more.

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I have figured out a way to make the advanced stock management to work that I am currently using.  However, it is a little less than desirable.  Basically, when you have the pack, you have to manually enter a quantity for the pack.  At first I was leaving this field blank because the number of units should be determined by the number of base units that are in stock (at least that is what I thought).  Still, Prestashop, apparently needs a value there.  At first, I thought this would throw off the inventory, but it doesn't.  All you have to do is keep an eye on that number you entered for the packs and ensure that it never drops below zero and then the customer doesn't get the false out of stock alert.  I haven't had time to test a scenario where there is a number of packs entered is greater than the number of base units stock as my local install has crashed and I need to reinstall it.  At the end of the day, it is not a truly automated solution.


This function needs real improvement in my opinion.  I'll keep updating this thread as I learn more.

Did you try the overrides?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I tested 1.6 and noticed a problem with Nickaardo's override.

I get this error, when trying to browse to a category:

Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: StockAvailable::$cache_quantity_available in \override\classes\stock\StockAvailable.php on line 31

Line 31 is:
else if (!isset(self::$cache_quantity_available[$key]) || $no_cache)


I searched the forums and found "Access to undeclared static property" errors, but no practical solutions.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Just have been pointed to this thread, because I'm facing the same issue on v1.6.0.8. I've recently started a new discussion for that matter, and also opened a bug on the issue tracker.


Obviously the pack of products functionality does not work, is this not important enough to anyone else?

Well the PS devs were supposed to start working on it around the time 1.6 was released, but I haven't seen any commits and the Advanced stock management is a mess -bug hasn't received any updates. The voting for this is still open, though, so it is one way of giving your voice: http://feedback.prestashop.com/forums/124931-general/suggestions/5792952-advanced-stock-management-for-pack

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Well the PS devs were supposed to start working on it around the time 1.6 was released, but I haven't seen any commits and the Advanced stock management is a mess -bug hasn't received any updates. The voting for this is still open, though, so it is one way of giving your voice: http://feedback.prestashop.com/forums/124931-general/suggestions/5792952-advanced-stock-management-for-pack


Well, lets hope for the best, I've just voted.

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So is there any workaround for pack of products? I'm on v1.6.0.9 and all my products use the advanced stock management.


As seen in my thread the quantity of packs stays at zero and can not be changed in the BO, which is why it's shown as not available / pre-order in the FO.


I have tried to manipulate the database entry for the pack in the ps_product table manually by setting


quantity = 1

advanced_stock_managment = 0


but that did not change anything.


Can I somehow set a value in the database (where?) to make the pack show up as available?


Or is the only way to make it work to disable advanced stock management for the products which are in the pack?


Or does the pack of products functionality not work at all in the current state?

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For 1.6 I have no solution. You can study nickaardo's override, compare/diff them against the originals and then diff the files of 1.5 against those of 1.6. Personally, I'm waiting for core devs to fix it.


Thanks for the info. Looks like I'll have to wait for for the fix by core devs as well, I'm not in the position to fiddle around with code.

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