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[Solved] Multiple email addresses in Mail Alerts module not saving

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I recently upgraded to PS 1.5.6 and my mail alerts module does not allow multiple email addresses to be saved. It only saves the first one in the list.


I have added one email per row like it says. This worked fine v1.4.9.


My mail alerts module is v2.8. I have uninstalled, deleted and installed again from the default Prestashop downloaded files.


Any ideas anyone?



Edited by glennlawre (see edit history)
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I have just realized that this module will not allow me to change the email address at all, it will only use the store's contact email address, the one configured in Store Contacts.


I have tried adding two email addresses directly into the database, but the email only gets sent to the second email address I entered.


Does anyone have any ideas what might be wrong here?

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the code for email addresses is 'very' simple and I did not really see a way it would fail without an error message of some sort.


try this for us;


1. remove all  email addresses and save, do you  see error message that at least one email address is required?


2. turn on error reporting, if you need help doing this see this: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/224525-how-to-turn-on-error-reporting-for-debug-information/

after you have errors turn on try adding more than one email address to see if php error is shown

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Hey El Patron,


So I have tried these things with the below results:


1. If I delete the email address and save, I get no errors. It stays on the module page and says changes made successfully. The area to enter the email address is blank. If I close out of the module and go back in, the store email address is in again.


2. After turning on error reporting, when I try open the module I get the below errors -


PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  cols in "my-domain&path"\cache\smarty\compile\4a\3c\9b\4a3c9bd5aebbc7912a37b5c9244838b5204ad576.file.form.tpl.php on line 467
PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  rows in "my-domain&path"\cache\smarty\compile\4a\3c\9b\4a3c9bd5aebbc7912a37b5c9244838b5204ad576.file.form.tpl.php on line 468


I have had a look for these errors on the Google box, but nothing really showing up to do with my errors.


I have also cleared my cache with "Clear Smarty cache & Autoload cache"


Any ideas what this might be?



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I had already tried adding the email address to my db directly, but it only sends the email to the second address I add, not both. I added the second email address on a new line in the db, like the module advises.


I checked this on my 1.4.9 db (my old site where this works fine) and can see that the email addresses are separated with a comma. I tried using this format also but no email gets sent at all.


I have enabled the Bank Wire and tested saving info to this module with no issues. I can save, close out and go back in and all info is saved. See attached image of my module after enabling and saving.


You are correct, this is a weird one..!


Edited by glennlawre (see edit history)
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ave maria..that is just weird


this may be one of those things you live with until it sorts itself out or get someone to look at your shop internals.


did you add a ';' at the end of the email addresses when updated configuration with phpmyadmin?



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Adding a ";" between the email addresses does not resolve I'm afraid!


Not to worry though, maybe this will resolve itself in the next release. For now I will look to setup some forwards on the email accounts that will send the required emails to the required addresses.


Thanks for your advice El Patron...

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Well what do you know, it's sorted :)


After uninstalling, deleting and reinstalling your module El Patron, this is now working for me!


I had already done this from the core files and it didn't resolve... :unsure:


Thanks a lot for the help, much appreciated...


Best regards,



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Well what do you know, it's sorted :)


After uninstalling, deleting and reinstalling your module El Patron, this is now working for me!


I had already done this from the core files and it didn't resolve... :unsure:


Thanks a lot for the help, much appreciated...


Best regards,





Holy cow!...

very please you can move on now...


happy selling

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