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How can I import products from csv to a subcategory

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I would like to import some products from csv to subcategories. I tried a lot but I can only upload products to Home, to the root of the webshop. In the csv I triedt to write the category ID or the name of the category to the "category" column but no way for me. Can anybody help me how can I fill in the csv or what can I set to import product to the right category.
Thank you


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Hi Rocky,

thanks for your answer. I tried to use cat ID-s and I read your other post too but I can't do to import into a subcategory only into main. I'm using UTF-8 coding when I make the csv and it seems to OK everything with my data but they are not in the correct place.

Can you help me by checking my csv or other advise?


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I had a look at your CSV and you have entered the Reference # as the product ID. You need to put the Reference # in the Reference # column, and write a unique integer as the product ID. For example, the first product would have an ID of 1, the second an ID of 2, etc. Depending on how many products are already in your database, you may need to start with a higher number to prevent overwriting your existing products.

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