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SOLVED - featured products different image size than product images

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Is there anyway to define an image size different for the featured products that will be displayed on the front page, from the image size for the products on other pages?


I want bigger images on the home page, but for my categories I want smaller images so I can use a grid.


I've tried playing with product.css and have had a little success in displaying the images at their true size, but it still only allows one. I was able to get a second one but it was cut off.


I played with:

#product_list_grid a.product_img_link
#product_list_grid li


www.sitinuriatistudio.com (main page)



I was looking at the images in the preference page of the B.O. and was hoping there was an easy way to do this.




Edited by closeupman (see edit history)
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Good morning


Why not go to:


Preferences > Images > and create a new image size, for instance, home_default2, and make this size 180px x 180px ( or whatever you want) then go to:


public_html/your store/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl


{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')|escape:'html'}" height="{$homeSize.height}" width="{$homeSize.width}" alt="


Then change 'home_default' to 'home_default2'


You will need to play around with your css 


Anyway, I am not an expert but it may help to point you in the right direction.



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  On 12/23/2013 at 7:01 PM, Sharak said:

That's almost exactly how it should be done, Paulito :) The thing is nowadays /modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl is overriden by /themes/Your_theme/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl so this is the file that should be edited.



  On 12/23/2013 at 5:08 PM, Paulito said:

Good morning


Why not go to:


Preferences > Images > and create a new image size, for instance, home_default2, and make this size 180px x 180px ( or whatever you want) then go to:


public_html/your store/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl


{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')|escape:'html'}" height="{$homeSize.height}" width="{$homeSize.width}" alt="


Then change 'home_default' to 'home_default2'


You will need to play around with your css 


Anyway, I am not an expert but it may help to point you in the right direction.



Thanks Paul and Sharak. I'll try that out later and let you know how it works out. What if I put a homefeatured.tpl in the overrides folder? would that be better for future proofing?


Thanks again :)

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  On 12/23/2013 at 5:08 PM, Paulito said:

Good morning


Why not go to:


Preferences > Images > and create a new image size, for instance, home_default2, and make this size 180px x 180px ( or whatever you want) then go to:


public_html/your store/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl


{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')|escape:'html'}" height="{$homeSize.height}" width="{$homeSize.width}" alt="


Then change 'home_default' to 'home_default2'


You will need to play around with your css 


Anyway, I am not an expert but it may help to point you in the right direction.



I did this, but get a Question Mark for the images, I did the regenerate thumbnails to make sure as well.

Do I need to create these thumbnails myself or will prestashop do it? (which it obvisously hasn't) forgot to click PRODUCTS to enable it :P


Images show up now, but are 124x124, not the 200x200, even though they reference the new image preference?!

Edited by closeupman (see edit history)
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Good morning


I think you have missed doing something: 


Please see below;




Have you changed the code correctly in:


public_html/your store/themes/default/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl


See below:


{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default2')|escape:'html'}" height="{$homeSize2.height}" width="{$homeSize2.width}" alt="


And if it works for you then you need to play with the css to make everything fit correctly


Hope this makes sense 



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  On 12/24/2013 at 5:59 PM, Paulito said:

See below:


{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default2')|escape:'html'}" height="{$homeSize2.height}" width="{$homeSize2.width}" alt="


And if it works for you then you need to play with the css to make everything fit correctly


Hope this makes sense 



Hi Paul,


That did it! Thanks. I didn't think about changing the homesize, because that was a total different name from the homedefaultDF I was using for the image.


Thanks again :)

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