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Mobile theme - Hide a module ?


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I have a theme in my prestashop 1.5.6. installation: my website.mytheme


I have a folder in this folder named mobile -> my website/mytheme/mobile


I would like to hide some modules to customers when they access to my website with their mobile or tablet.


How can I do ?



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I have done this with some of my modules and believe there should be an option to show/hide each module with using mobile device.


This is my code for the testimonials block. (inside the main .tpl in the modules folder)

{if FrontController::ismobile()==true}


<!-- Block testimonial module -->
	<div id="block_testimonials" class="block">
		<h4><a href="{$this_path}testimonials.php">{l s='Testimonials' mod='blockTestimonial'}</a></h4>
			<div id="randomtestimonial">
			<p class="testimonialSpeech" >"<a href="{$this_path}testimonials.php#{$randomTestimonialid}">{$randomTestimonialtxt|strip_tags|truncate:180:'...'}</a>"</p>
				   <div align="center" class="blocktestimonial">
				     <a class="button_large" href="{$this_path}addtestimonial.php">{l s='Add Your Testimonial' mod='blockTestimonial'}</a>
<!-- /Block testimonial module -->


basically, I added this before the code

{if FrontController::ismobile()==true}


and at the end of all the code


So it says, if the device is mobile, show nothing, else show the code




I don't think it can be used on anything that uses the smart cache though.

Because if you browse on a desktop the cache is created, then browse the same page on a mobile and the cache is used (instead of using the "don't show" code)

So for instance, I had to use conditional css rules to hide my blocktopmenu


Hope this helps :)

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