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What DIR/File do you install a manual meta file for the homepage?

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I know Prestashop can configure seo in product pages and subcategories in category "Home" but what about the actual homepage? I have search and I can't find any info anywhere discussing what or how to place the meta file in the homepage.

So I don't confuse anyone this site will make up one and then you just cut and paste it to the homepage...unless I am missing someing and Prestashop can do this too???



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Dans le BO prestashop, sur les fiche produit, il y a un onglet qui dit : Cliquez ici pour améliorer votre position dans les moteurs de recherche (SEO).

Translated french to english:

"In the BO prestashop on the sheet product, there is a tab that says: Click here to improve your position in search engines"

I know this but does not this only cover the sub catagories and products? What about adding a seo file to the homepage or root? I see nothing for this on Prestashop....not sure where or what file this would go into that covers just the homepage or main page...you guys following me on this??? Or is this unnessary? Explain please :)

BTW google link will translate from any language to english and visa versa :)
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Wow...thought someone could help me on this as it seems pretty basic?

I have prestashop installed on my root directory which is: public_html

Only file I have under public_html that I would think would be close is index.php But as you can see below I don't think so.



if(intval(Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS')) === 1)
$rewrited_url = __PS_BASE_URI__;


$smarty->assign('HOOK_HOME', Module::hookExec('home'));


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Even my webhost provider does not know how to install a meta file in my home directory! He even logged on to Prestashop. I posted this question on google webmaster site and they have no clue either...this is not good!

Can it be installed in CMS module?

Is there a manual somewhere that shows the location of important dir and files...you know like where you would install a meta file for the homepage.

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Hi nutblaster,

You should go to Preferences > Meta-tags, click on the Edit button in the Actions column next to index.php, then enter your page title, meta description and meta keywords there. I don't think it is possible to put them in a separate file and get Prestashop to read them from the file.

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Hi nutblaster,

You should go to Preferences > Meta-tags, click on the Edit button in the Actions column next to index.php, then enter your page title, meta description and meta keywords there. I don't think it is possible to put them in a separate file and get Prestashop to read them from the file.

If you look at the attched pic of meta tags/index.php why don's I see any info about Prestashop as mentioned in the filled out meta discriptions, etc.??? This can't be the correct index.php file...maybe under some other DIR? What do you guys think? Weird!




if(intval(Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS')) === 1)
$rewrited_url = __PS_BASE_URI__;


$smarty->assign('HOOK_HOME', Module::hookExec('home'));


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Hi nutblaster,

The meta data is stored in the database. It is not saved to any file. You don't need to change any code to change the homepage meta data. You were on the right page in your screenshot. The homepage of your site is index.php. Whatever you enter into those fields will appear in the generated homepage code.

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Hi nutblaster,

The meta data is stored in the database. It is not saved to any file. You don't need to change any code to change the homepage meta data. You were on the right page in your screenshot. The homepage of your site is index.php. Whatever you enter into those fields will appear in the generated homepage code.

Just did not look like a traditional index.php homepage file....guess I am to use to my old webpage which was all html and without a database.

Cool... thanks everyone!
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You can also add meta tags manually to be included in all pages, by editing the current theme in use "header.tpl" file.

Best regards,


EJ, would not that be concidered spamming if the same words are in each page? Would this effect your google search?

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You can also add meta tags manually to be included in all pages, by editing the current theme in use "header.tpl" file.

Best regards,


EJ, would not that be concidered spamming if the same words are in each page? Would this effect your google search?


Hi Doug,

Well not really, I only use it for author, copyright, google verify tags etc...


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