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[SOLVED] Home slider top of pages - page hovering over it?


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Hello Guys,


This forum helped me so many times with my first shop, first I want to say thank you for all you people!!


I'm in a trouble with this home slider tutorial, I just cant get it done somehow, I hope you can help me.


So first I followed the instructions: http://mypresta.eu/e...prestashop.html


then I got an error message in Presta: Parse failure in homslider.php, cannot load this module


So I removed the piece of code, and got the original back.

Then I downloaded the complete zip from Vekia, installed it, and then got the homslider at the top section, but it was transparent, and all the other parts of the shop were hovering on top of the home slider.

So I removed that too.

Now I found this topic, tried to reinstall the original one, to follow these instruction, found here, but now, with the original slider installed - without any modifications yet - all I get is a "1" at the top left corner of the website when I try to load my shop.


So I'm a bit hopless now...

Any idea about this?  :)


Picture attached.


Edited by csstag (see edit history)
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How can I do that?


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