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[Solved] It does not send email

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Hi everyone.

My database is working OK. email test from instalation works ok.

But I´m testing the order module as a customer and it does not send me an email when the order is confirmed.

Looking in the admin panel, I noticed this. ( image attached )

I cannot include an email. Any ideas ?

At the same time, I want as an admin, erase orders placed. I cannot do it :grrr:


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Emails configuration for orders steps can be found in Orders >> Order statuses where you can choose if an email is send or not regarding the order status.

This other particular field "Send email to " + When customers send message from command's page is only for the messaging sytem between clients and shop employees, but prior to that, you have to seize in contacts in Tools tab >> then Contacts. Then you will be able to choose which contact receive messages from clients.

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My test orders do not send any notification to the customer other than the order receipt from Paypal.

The Payment and Shipping emails are not sent to the customer, though the 'order statuses' tab shows a check mark next to each of these.

Does anyone know why the customer would not be receiving any emails?

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Why, may I ask, are you using the SMTP send, instead of PHP’s mail() function? Also, you must add the email address of your store in “Back Office”=>Tools=>Contacts=>“Add New”.

—Kevin Klika


Thank you for responding! I have tried both the PHP and the SMTP email options.

I spent about an hour on the phone with GoDaddy (my host) last night, trying a few things to see if we could fix something.

When I set the email to PHP, and try to send an email from the 'contact us' form, I get a 'successful' message, but no email is sent. When we tried changing the email option to SMTP, then used the 'contact us' form, I get an error (see attached screen shot).

My “Back Office”=>Tools=>Contacts=>“ does have the email address listed correctly. I am using a Gmail account. I also tried setting up a contact with a joplin.com (local ISP) address.

I have checked everything I know to check, but this seems to be a really bad problem. If anyone knows something I may be overlooking, please let me know!

Also, the contact us form worked when I first started setting up my prestashop store. After putting in all of my product inventory, setting up shipping and taxes, etc...somewhere along the whole journey, this messed up.

Again, thanks!


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