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Featured Category in table

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Hi i am new in prestashop



i would like to give 6 categories instead of featured product


and i would like to give heading to each category (that would be a image not text)


Attached is the image of design

to change thumbnail size i have customised CSS of home featured module and its completly looking like attached desigin 


but problem is ...i am unable to give heading to each via image bar



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but that module showing only category photo


what i want is



if i upload product related to beauty it should show under beauty category heading

if i upload product related to fashion it should show under beauty fashion heading


and after certain time new product take old product place on home page (when product get old) in 2 -3 days


and 2nd thing i wana know


can i give a picture based heading to each category?

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yup I want to show products from different category on home page





Following points would clarify what i exactly want


1- I want to make 6 product blocks on home page 

2- Each block has (category heading like fashion, beauty, lifestyle etc)

3- when i add product from backoffice it should display under its category block


i have tried this thing by using featured module

but what happening is


under fashion category block its showing life style product

under beauty block its showing another product



i gues ma Q is clear now?

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you can mark this solve as i have resolved this


couldnt display category image as heading of product but i have called product short description as heading and place image of heading through backend on product short description


now site is as i want 




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