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[SOLVED] Where do I add my copywrite statement?

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I do not see anywhere to add my copywrite statement.


I'd assume it goes in the footer but "the footer" isn't a single module to edit...  It seems that several modules affect what's in the footer and how it's placed there but none address a copywrite statement..


Using at   http://framedbutterflyart.com/PrestaTest


At the bottom of each page I'd like something like:

This site is © 1996-2013 by Framed Butterfly Art   : :    Hosting provided by Tech Lab 2020, LLC
Framed Butterfly Art is a registered trademark of Framed Butterfly Art.

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How can this be added?



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As a real newbie (still waiting for the documentation I bought to come in) I have to ask a very basic question...


Your step #2 says to install in back office. 
Uh, OK..  I can unzip the file but what is the process to install this (or any?) module into Back Office?


This looks like exactly what I need.  I'll be able to add my own footer at the bottom of all (all?) pages.


Can I run TWO instances of the module and position them each where I want with the "Positions>Live Edit" tool?


I would have

1- the footer at the bottom of all pages and

2- another HTML block module in the left column for my newsletter code.  




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