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[SOLVED] My wesite is not working and just comes up 'server not found'

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My website was working fine yesterday morning but when I tried to go to it www.britishretro.co.uk, in the afternoon a blank page came up and then it said this error message:


'Server not found

Firefox can't find the server at www.britishretro.co.ukindex.php.

    Check the address for typing errors such as ww.example.com instead of www.example.com
    If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.
    If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.'


Does anyone know why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?



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why when i type www.britishretro.co.uk  the website redirect me to www.britishretro.co.ukindex.php ??

it should be : www.britishretro.co.uk / index.php.   <- slash bettwen domain and index

Do you make something in htcacces or seo or something with links?


BY the way : http://www.britishretro.co.uk/sitemap.xml   <- you have broken xml file sitemp

Edited by matzmu (see edit history)
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