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[SOLVED] How to edit size of product images

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intimo26.com but now i had already resize again to old resize for try, ok just finish of regenerates thumbnails i will ready to your edit............

we start from the beginning: preference - images - 166x247 home_default (and product gallery work right) then regenerates thumbnails and select "product" and "home_default"?


I'm ready Milos..

Edited by cesareaugusto (see edit history)
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Ok, now  thank you i solved it by removing the description of the products from homefeatures.tpl file so I created enough space to show 8 products! what do you think is not much better without description? 



remove the description from products featured:
line 43 more or less
<div class="product_desc"><a href="{$product.link|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='More' 
edited: (add comment code: open bracket + esclamation point and double dash)
and after div put double dash and bracket close
<!--div class="product_desc"><a href="{$product.link|escape:'html'}" title="{l 
s='More' mod='homefeatured'}">{$product.description_short|strip_tags|
 ONLY if you have to give more or less space on the table that contains the featured products (for old version of Prestashop)
Line 31 
<div class="block_content">
{assign var='liHeight' value=250}




Edited by cesareaugusto (see edit history)
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