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$0 total cart record in customer details page under administration page

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Hi, I am using V1.2.4, There is shown many $0 record when customer click "add to cart" and after they "empty all items from the cart". The system gen a lot of $0 record in customer details page under administration page. How to prevent this issue and how to del those records?


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Hi, it seems to be the normal and expected working of carts recording for most users. It is useful to know that a customer put something into the cart, emptied it and finally aborted its order.

If you really don't want to see these aborted carts, you may filter the query result of carts in the file admin/tab/admincarts.
Unfortunately, PSP uses standard methods of the admintab class to retrieve and to display carts.
So you must overload either getList or displayList method in the admincarts class to add this filter.
What one can say, this is not obvious.

I would advice, think KISS: Keep It Simple and Stupid.

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