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Blank shop homepage

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I recently moved my shop to another server i followed the following steps in doing so.

1.backup the shop

2.restore in new server

3.backup database

4.restore database

5.changed the settings.inc.php file to match the database connections


know the problem i am facing is that i cannot see the homepage of my website if i just type my shop url but when i append /index.php i can see my shop and the second problem is when i try to login in the front office after i click on login button i get is just a blank page.

i have set the error on and there is no error

please if anyone can help me that would be great.


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bgir.isuf.co.uk - it's a real domain ? i tried to open in it browser and i've got 404

you can see the shop using this link bgirl.isuf.co.uk/index.php

I see some errors on your shop

Can you attach the file classes/controllers/FrontController.php?

what error you get because i just get warnings and i think they can be ignored.

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No, they can't be ignored.

Can you please attach me the files you see in the warning? One is frontController above. I suspect some strange empty space inside

my output buffering is off i think thats the reason for the warning.

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I had a hunch that when the files were transferred something happened with new line endings.

That's why I asked for the file.


Feel free to try other things, I don't see other reasons for your problem at this point.

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Did you sent the file from the server or the file you had locally.


Open your file on your server, edit it making sure it's ANSI encoded, make sure also the file starts with:


with no empty space or other character 

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Did you sent the file from the server or the file you had locally.


Open your file on your server, edit it making sure it's ANSI encoded, make sure also the file starts with:


with no empty space or other character 

i sent it from the server n all the files start with <?php no extra space before that.

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