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[SOLVED] manual approval for new customer registration


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Hi Community,


Just started using PS to build a online shop. The community here is amazing, almost all the problems I encounter can be found with an answer but not this one......



Using PS1.5.6, want to manual approve all customer registration. 


Tried to search the forum, only one thread which is similar to mine but I still did not get how to do it.


The thread is here



Any suggestions or advice will be appreciated!






Edited by sbt (see edit history)
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I have a mature solution for this.  Very light weight and may fit your requirements.  Also is multishop compliant so you can have for example one private shop and one non-private shop.



Hi El Patron,

Thanks for your reply, which gives me the idea that I can at least have this paid module as my last resort.

Yet I am still testing my website and just want to see if there is any other optional choice, for example, to edit somewhere in the custumer.php page. 


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