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CMS Categories, "An error occurred while updating the status"

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Preferences-> CMS Categories



I try to update About Us, Privacy Note, etc and only get this "An error occurred while updating the status" and don't save or update anything. I Reinstall Module CMS, but does not help.


I removed all Categories/Pages and re-do it, but now when I saved says it saved, but no any pages greated, really odd why this is not working and what really happend and how this can be fixed?


Categories can create, but when try to make Pages in the Category, that can add these texts (about us, etc), but these says saved, but can' see them at all anywhere, so this really does not working.





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1. Running shop 1 month

2. Updated using wupavhosting.net, this softaculous.com auto install option.


- I think that something broke in update, because problems start after this.


1. This morning I start to double check versions, because you asked my version and I start to think that maybe I have some conflict in versions.


2. This broken online shop, Prestashop shows and softaculous


3. I click last update details in softaculous  to get more information and then this said error "Hmm...it looks like the actual version of the installation is and not" Click here to update Softaculous records" and I click, update records.


4. Then I see again that I can run update, so I run  this again and now ;


Two of the my 3 shops shows in Prestashop and softaculous and I tested - no problems in these 2 shops.


This still 1 shop shows and softaculous, but when I click details in softaculous,  I see this error message


"Hmm...it looks like the actual version of the installation is and not" Click here to update Softaculous records"

Seem to that update does not work, only broke my prestashop ;-( and 
this is the most important (functional online store))


Please help to fix it....

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Well, I’m a backup admin, so of course I have a backups  :)  , and because I can't repair this, then I keep version and I have restored last backup and now I only lost 20 latest products, but now it is working and I don't try anymore updates to this web-shop.

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After restore, I put shop back on Maintenance Mode and make update again and now it works and everything works.


So we learning this that take allways backup before update and after that test everything and if not working then you can do same than me.

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