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Can't change taxes format

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I have tried to change from three to two zerios behind the taxes, pressed saved and then three zeros still appear.. Why doesn't it save my input?


I do this under Localization > Taxes

It would be even better if the zeros weren't there at all, but I need it to be maximum two zeros and not three as they are now. Anyone who knows what to do?

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The only way to do this is directly in the database, look to ps_tax you will see a field named rate, with a type of decimal (10,3) if you change the 3 to 2 you should now only show 2 decimal places in the taxes.



ps: you can do this for other areas such as product - prices as well.

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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It is or should be editable on the lkeft click the check box then at bottom click the edit icon (little pencil in my database) you should also have the text change to the right, either will bring up the edit page then just change the 3 to 2.


as you can see here I already changed mine.



Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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You are not clicking the pencil in the correct place, do not click browse, click on ps_tax then on change to the right on the line labeled rate. OR click the box to the left of rate to check it then on the pencil at the bottom of the table list.


ps: I updated my pic in the other post as I realized I made an error on the pencil I had put a red box around.

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I would strongly recommend not to modify this in your database because this could be a bias for correct computing.


If it's just a matter of the display you should modify the code directly in your invoice or mails by adding a round:"0" command to the tax rate Smarty variables like this e.g.:

{$shipping_tax_infos.rate|round:"0"} %
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