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Use homepage slider twice

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Can anyone help me with using the homepage slider on multiple pages. So actually copying the module so i can also change the slides per module? 


For example: i like to have one slider with advertisements on my home page and one slider with supplier logos on a cms page.


thanks in advance,




version: PrestaShop™

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default homeslider module doesn't allow to use it in that way. unfortunately.

what to do? 

I will try to use other slider modules, and then - use them in "displayTop" hook and define exceptions (modules > positions) 



  1. In the "Exceptions" field, type the name of the file(s) of the pages in which you do not want the module to appear.
    From PrestaShop 1.5.0 to, instead of typing the file-names, you can simply select a file-name and click the "Add" button: it will add the file-name to the list. Likewise, you can remove a file-name from the existing list by selecting that name in the drop-down list and clicking the "Remove" button.
    Since PrestaShop, this interface has changed: you can simply perform a multiple selection by clicking on the file names while keeping the Ctrl key pressed. You can deselect files in the same manner: Ctrl+click.
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