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order-confirmation redirects to order-history

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for some reason when I redirect back from paypal to the order-confirmation page , I get a 302 moved temporarily. Im not sure why this is happening, but I end up getting redirect to the order-history.


Im not sure if this causing the problem I am having in http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/282164-paypal-payment-but-no-orders/page-2


Edited by ClearSolid (see edit history)
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This is the correct behaviour and this is how it is supposed to work.


The reason is this :


Prestashop sends Paypal lot of variables out of them here is a couple :


1. Notify URL - This is the URL which Paypal will post when a payment has been made (it is validation.php file). 

2. Redirect URL - This is the URL that Paypal will display after the user makes payment and says "Return to abc Store". (order-confirmation) page.


Now order confirmation expects few parameters which include order id, cart id, customer key, etc. but at the time of sending the parameters to paypal, order is not yet created. The order is created only after you make payment and paypal notifies prestashop. So at the time of redirecting to paypal order confirmation does not have order id and you are redirected orderconfirmation page. Order Confirmation page if it does not have any params redirects you to order history.


This is the default standard behaviour.

Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I would I add an URL to direct customers away from the Order History page (in my case it just sends back to the shopping cart checkout). When I was testing it, I had no idea whether the order was processed by PayPal or not.


I'm a coding noob- so how do I edit the PHP file to add a URL??

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- I'm not sure what the order history page looks like, but it takes me back to the check out page and looks exactly the same as wehn you launch the PayPal payment (still shows product in cart).


- I tried to switch to sand box mode but it won't give me my credentials (when I enter my PayPal password it comes back with an error)- but doesn't do this for my API signature in Live Mode.


Any help would be great!!

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So I setup my Sandbox account. 


I made a "mock" purchase and the same thing happens.....after it appears that PayPal processes the order it take me back to the Shopping Cart/ Summary page.


Any suggestions on how to trouble shoot this?

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Sorry. "the same thing" is that It takes me back to the Shopping Cart page. See Attached. The customer has no way of knowing that the purchase was successful.It still shows one product in the cart. To me this is a glitch and I would like to fix it.


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I did take a look and that is the default behaviour of express checkout. The use is not charged when he goes to paypal. The user only authorizes. Once he is back in the shopping cart page, he enters his information and then confirms the order from within your website (not at paypal). This is how express checkotu works.


If you disable it, then the user will pay at paypal.

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  • 1 month later...

lee911 what is the progress? I am having a similar problem whereby the order-confirmation page displays with no order detail. Once the customer pays with credit card (redirected to payment gateway site), the following is displayed on same page: "No template was found for this module. payfast". Payfast is the payment gateway. 


Any help appreciated :)

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  • 1 year later...

Im having the same issue with Payfast as the gateway. But It works perfectly fine on another site of mine. Once a user tries to make payment the payment is made but it redirect the user to payment history. It should first direct the user to a page where it informs the user his Order number and giving him the option to click on order history. Under Config info I have noticed the following error could it be host related


Required parameters: Please fix the following error(s)

Optional parameters: Please fix the following error(s)

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