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Multiple category modules or main categories?

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I'm having a problem with achieving something that would be perceaved as having multiple main categories, which I have understood is not currently supported in prestashop. It seem it could be a problem for many shops addressing several categories of customers or scenarios.

I need one Categories module to display a short list of e.g.
Neon & LED

And one Categories module to display a list of car brands e.g.
Alfa Romeo
Austin Mini

At least that is how it should be perceived by the shop visitor.
It is like a dual entry for the visitor, who can choose to browse the products based on if they know exactly would like to order, e.g. Interior -> Audi -> Gear ship knob ; or Interior -> Universal -> ...
... or if the visitor just would like to see what there is for their particular brand of car, and then displayed the categories there are products for that particular brand of car.

Any one have any ideas on this?

Regards, Christian

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I have created a group named Car Brand and added the different brands as attributes.
Thinking of if there is a way to have a module display a list of attributes of a catalog group.

Maybe it is possible to solve it? ... to get the perception described in the previous message.

Any one?

Regards, Christian

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Why not use the manufacturers function, assign each product to a manufacturer and then use the manfacturerblock to display the list?

Yes, good idea. I have now used the put in the car brands as "manufacturers", and then went in to the Tools -> Translations -> Change translation -> Module translation -> prestashop - blockmanufacturer | and changed "Manufacturers" to Car brand and changed "All manufacturers" to Select car brand.

This seemed to do it.

Next thing will be to see if there is a way to display not all products for one brand, but rather the subcategories of which there are products related to that brand of car. I guess this will be in phase 2 of the set up of my car accessories web shop.

... but if any one have further suggestions on how that could be done, I delighted to hear all about it ;-)

Thank you again!

Regards, Christian
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Not sure if this helps, but when you edit a product, if you pick the info tab and scroll down about half way, you can add it to multiple categories. So you could have a category for bmw, one for sports cars, one for chrome accessories, etc.

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