Jump to content force SSL on all pages brakes add to my favorites

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My site goes online on Monday and theres only one problem (hopefully) left to be solved:

If I klick on "add to my favorites" nothing happens and the browser (chrom/firefox) complains that there is mixed content save/unsave served.


The favoriteproducts.js itself is served via https, so this is OK.


Unfortunately firebug doesnt show whats happening when I click on "add to my favorites"

For me it seems that

url: "{$link->getModuleLink('favoriteproducts', 'actions', ['process' => 'add'], true)|addslashes}",

returns a http instead of https. However, I'm not that aware of the internals of prestashop.


Can someone run this module with "force SSL on all pages" and try to resolve this issue?


Thanks in advance, Christian



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