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cumulative gift rule

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found this module for fat wallets:



but I'ts quite frustrating have to buy that module for a apparently little thing like this.

I'm trying to avoid the check to apply the gift only if not already in the cart in CartRules class


there I see this comment:


/* This variable controls that a free gift is offered only once, even when multi-shippping is activated and the same product is delivered in both addresses */
protected static $only_one_gift = array();
but set that to false wont work
in the bottom of the file I see this comment too:
// The free gift coupon must be applied to one product only (needed for multi-shipping which manage multiple product lists)
so I suppose that the multishipping (wich I don't use) It's the only reason why gift rules arn't cumulable. Can someone confirm me that?
Anyone can point me how to skip the check by the way?
thank you in advance.
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