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[SOLVED] Remove title from a page

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PS 1.5.6 Default theme. Working on local server


When I click on a Supplier in front office (from the suppliers list on the left), the page displays this title:


Products list by supplier: "Supplier's name"


I want to delete "Products list by supplier" and keep only the supplier's name as title of the page.

I spent hours searching for a solution ...but I couldn't find anything. :(


Now I have to ask someone to help me, please!

Edited by wildcherry (see edit history)
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HI Vekia,


Sorry for jumping on a thread, but its of similar nature


I have removed the shop name from the product page titles, but the shop name still shows in google. (months ago)


see here




the first result should be the Choconana liquid.


The title is showing as "Choconana flavoured electronic cigarette liquid. 10ml - No-Match"

when it should just be "Choconana flavoured electronic cigarette liquid. 10ml"


Looking through the compiled source, "- No-Match" is not in the title, or the meta title tag.


I don't understand


I only amended this title yesterday, to include the "10ml" so I know google updated it yesterday.


Any help is appreciated.


Edited by MerseyRay (see edit history)
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