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Product Images not showing/changing in Product Back Office

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Hello, I'm having a problem changing / editing the product images in the back office, Basically on the front end of the site, it loads all the default sample images fine, but when I attempt to change them in the back office via Catalog>Products<Images

The page doesn't show any of the default sample images, but nor is there the option to add images.

 I've uploaded a picture so you can get an idea to what I'm referring to

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

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Edited by Ry024 (see edit history)
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This is happening randomly? Did it ever work? Can you tell me more information.


Also, on this page, can you use Chrome and open the Console, press F12 and open the Console tab and let me know if anything is in there.


Next, turn on error reporting via FTP by using the method described in the How to Turn on Error reporting blog post located in my signature. Thanks!

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Ok, when you referred to "on this page," you meant the prestashop product images page? If so, this is what is displayed,

Also, I just started using prestashop, this feature hasn't worked since the few times I attempted today, I used 3 different browsers but the problem is the same for all.


Uncaught TypeError: Object function (f,a,c){var h=f.split(".")[0],i;f=f.split(".")[1];i=h+"-"+f;if(!c){c=a;a=b.Widget}b.expr[":"]=function(j){return!!b.data(j, f)};b[h]=b[h]||{};b[h][f]=function(j,n){arguments.length&&this._createWidget(j,n)};a=new a;a.options=b.extend(true,{},a.options);b[h][f].prototype=b.extend(true,a,{namespace:h,widgetName:f,widgetEventPrefix:b[h][f].prototype.widgetEventPrefix||f,widgetBaseClass:i},c);b.widget.bridge(f,b[h][f])} has no method 'extend' jquery.ui.widget.min.js:4
event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.


I'll work on turning on error reporting now. Thanks.

Edited by Ry024 (see edit history)
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Yes it was upgraded from a previous version, I actually deleted everything and did a fresh install and the problem has seemed to dis-appear. I haven't tested it extensively but the few times I loaded the image page, it was showing all the pictures to edit fine. Not sure what the problem was, but a fresh install did the trick.

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I believe it was version that I upgraded from,
I think the theme I had installed when I upgraded was this one


Right after I upgraded I switched back to the default presta theme.

Edited by Ry024 (see edit history)
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