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[SOLVED] Changes in prestashop default themes

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Hi, decided to change small things in the default theme.


-I like to move the logo in the midle of the header and make it bigger (perhaps change it as a headder background image if thats possible and easy)

-Change the search bar to the places where can be seen on the picture added

-And increase/Darken the left menu fonts.






im using 1,5,6,0, website is life on decobal.com

changed some things in global.css, blocktopmenu and blockreissurance as you can see.




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to move logo you can change its position with css styles.

global.css file line 547

there is a code like:

#header_logo {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 30px;
z-index: 1;

increase left param, you can use for example 400px; so your logo will be moved to the right.

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sorry for the silly question, but did you say the search bar? thats the user info :o


i managed to do some changes that i dont dislike so i am happy so far, many thanks any way.


trying to figuere out the font size and darkness.




ps: I like the home slider module from your website. :)

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To change the font size and color in the left menu go to /themes/<mytheme>/global.css, line numer about 1960 and modify or add lines in red below:

/*************** Block CATEGORIES ***************/
#categories_block_left  li {border-bottom:1px dotted #ccc}
 #categories_block_left  li.last { border:none;}
  #categories_block_left  li a {
   padding:7px 11px 5px 22px;
   font-size: 13px;
   font-weight: bold;


background:url(../../../modules/blockcategories/img/arrow_right_2.png) no-repeat 10px 10px transparent

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