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[SOLVED] Call controller Member function through an AJAX in 1.5 Using Module?

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i am creating a custom module for feedback and reply feedback.

Controller file path given below.

Path : modules/custommodule/controllers/admin/AdminCustomModuleController.php

class AdminCustomModuleController extends ModuleAdminController
  public function __construct()
     $this->fields_list = array(
		'replyfeedback' => array(
			'title' => $this->l('Feedback Reply'),
			'width' => 35,
			'align' => 'center',
			'callback' => 'CheckReplyFeedback',
			'orderby' => true,
			'search' => false,
			'remove_onclick' => true)
  public function CheckReplyFeedback($id_feedback, $tr)
     $html = '<a href="javascript:;" onlclick="return replyFeedback(\''.$id_feedback.'\');" title="sample link"><img src="reply.gif" alt="reply" title="reply" /></a>';
     return $html;


I have listed the feedbacks from table, using fields_list in controller. when i click the reply image, i want to open a fancy box with a reply form (with old data if it is exist). If the feed back have old reply, we need to get the old details using Ajax. 


I wrote the member function to get the reply data for a feedback table in the same controller. i need to call that member function by ajax. I don't know how to make it in ajax.


Please suggest me the solution. 


Thanks in advance.


Edited by gowri (see edit history)
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Thanks to all...


here i found the solution and explained bellow   :D


in my module 


Path to module /custommodule/controllers/admin/AdminCustommoduleController.php contains the following

class AdminCustomModuleController extends ModuleAdminController
  public function __construct()
     $this->fields_list = array(
		'replyfeedback' => array(
			'title' => $this->l('Feedback Reply'),
			'width' => 35,
			'align' => 'center',
			'callback' => 'CheckReplyFeedback',
			'orderby' => true,
			'search' => false,
			'remove_onclick' => true)

  public function renderList()
      $this->tpl_list_vars = array(
	'datsimg_path' => _MODULE_DIR_.$this->module->name.'/img/admin/',
	'ajax_CustomModuleController_path' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminCustomModule'),
	'current_id_tab' => (int)$this->context->controller->id
      return parent::renderList();
  public function ajaxProcessGetFeedbackInfo()
      $id_feedback = Tools::getValue('id_feedback');
      $feedbackinfo = $this->getCustomerFeedbackReply($id_feedback ));
             'status' => htmlspecialchars($feedbackinfo['status']),
            'details' => htmlspecialchars($feedbackinfo['reply_msg'])

  public function CheckReplyFeedback($id_feedback, $tr)
     $html = '<a href="javascript:;" onlclick="return replyFeedback(\''.$id_feedback.'\');" title="sample link"><img src="reply.gif" alt="reply" title="reply" /></a>';
     return $html;
  public function getCustomerFeedbackReply($id_feedback)
       /* here i get the customer feedback reply details from database */


Path to module /custommodule/views/templates/admin/custom_module/helpers/list/list_header.tpl contains the following

{extends file="helpers/list/list_header.tpl"}

{block name="override_header"}
  <script type="text/javascript">
     function getPendingStatusInfo(feedback_id) {
	if (feedback_id > 0) {
		type: 'POST',
		url: '{$ajax_CustomModuleController_path}',
		dataType: 'json',
		data: {
		    controller : 'AdminCustomModule',
		    action : 'getFeedbackInfo',
		    ajax : true,
		    id_feedback : feedback_id,
		    id_tab : '{$current_id_tab}'
		success: function(jsonData)
		      if(jsonData) {
				fitToView: true,
				content : "<div id=\"inlineform\"><fieldset><legend><img src=\"{$datsimg_path}information.png\" alt=\"\" /> Feedback Details</legend><label for=\"feedback_status\">Status:</label><div class=\"margin-form\" style=\"text-align:left;\">"+jsonData.status+"</div><br /><label for=\"feedback_details\">Reply Details:</label><div class=\"margin-form\" style=\"text-align:left;\">"+jsonData.details+"</div></fieldset></div>"
Edited by gowri (see edit history)
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