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show old and member price


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Hello ....

Sitting with PS 1.5.6 and trying to come up with a solution to display two different prices on the product page.
The members price and customer price.


Customer: Price 1
Members: Price 2

I have create a group members and set the discount for 10%

But how can i show the 2 different price.

The other
question is that if i whant to add a special price
Price 1 = 1500 Skr
Special = 1000 Skr

Then if there is a member that whant to buy this they get a discount for 10% more.
So the end price is:900 Skr

But i whant that the discount is already drawn from the special price.

And only the members can buy the special price.
But ordanary customer can buy for the Price 1

I hope that you understand what i mean, my english is not so got to explane things....


Edited by spc (see edit history)
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