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Newbie question about stock management


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Hi There,


I've recently setup a new Prestashop for a clothing store which creates custom clothes. The store buys in plain clothing (plain t-shirts, sweaters, etc.) and then uses these to produce their custom clothing which is then sold in the store. So several products "Dragon T-Shirt", "Striped Vintage T-Shirt" would all derive from the same "White T-Shirt" stock if that makes sense! :)


At the moment I have disabled stock control in admin but now that the platform is online and working they are keen to enable stock control and start using the platform to manage their stock. However I'm not sure whether Prestashop allows for this kind of stock management - where each product derivies from a "raw material" in a sense.


Could anyone tell me whether an out-of-the-box Prestashop installation can support the kind of stock management and if so, could you point me towards any documentation that would help me get started?


If not are there any modules available that can do this? I tried searching the module store and I couldn't see anything but that might be because I'm using the wrong terminology or something like that.


Thanks very much,



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I think I have a similar issue.  


I'm not seeing order automatically reduce the number of products in stock under advanced stock management.  Can someone please explain this?  Basically I think I should be able to enter current stock, sell some stuff, then look under the stock management and see the available quantities reduced but it doesn't appear to work that way.

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If you are using Advanced Stock Management then make sure that you don't have quantities available in the Catalog/Product/Edit/Stock.


I'm pretty sure you will see that stock has decreased from this level if you have any quantities already inputted. If you use advanced stock management, you should not have quantities listed in that section, only have quantities in the Stock tab in your back-office.


Does this help? Thanks. 

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That's how I thought it would work too. Sure enough it does not. The stock does not decrease even if I set an order to shipped. Even added "set order to shipped" to the payment accepted status to try and get that to reduce stock. That didn't work either. Should I not use advanced stock management. I really need the site to reduce stock when something is ordered. The store sells clothing so I'm using some basic combinations for size and color if that matters. Each product is set to use advanced stock management and available quantities and combinations are based on warehouse stock.

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I'm still no further forward on this problem but in fairness to Prestashop I can see that what I need is outside the remit of this product. Essentially my client are acting like a manufacturer and so they need some kind of ERP solution to effectively manage the manufacturing side of the business.

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Seems like you would need to separate the products.  One produce for the plain tee and one for the graphic.  You could use cart rules to put them together and control pricing.  I would try making the graphic the main product and prompt to add a tee shirt.  This would allow for the stock portion to work properly.  It could get ugly though if you have several sizes and colors of tee shirts.  

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I have switched away from using advanced stock management.  I think the old way will work fine although I'm curious about the different in using advanced stock management with the option to manually enter quantities as opposed to using it with the automatic sync from warehouse option.  I think it might work the way I want with the former combination I just can't test it on a live site and take of change or screwing up inventory.  Might have to play around more on a test site.

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