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[solved]1.5.6 full width header with centered content


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Hoping you can help me. I've studied a bunch of old files and tried several solutions, but I can't seem to fix this.


I managed to get a full width header and top menu bar, but I want to keep the logo and menu-links centered over the page in the middle - with the 980px Width and equal margins of header and top bar background on each side. Let me know if you don't understand what I mean :)


The site is this: philippejse.nu


As you can see the content of the footer is centered - this is what I wish for the header too.


Thanks in advance for helping me out :)



Edited by rialni (see edit history)
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yes add the this ....


<div class="container_9 clearfix" id="page">

<div id="header" class=" grid_9 alpha omega">



and all the header part is under the this div

<div class="container_9 clearfix" id="page">

and out put like as this image







Thanks for your reply :) Just one issue - I still want the header and menu to stretch full Width, so exactly like in your image, except that the White and Black color of the header and menu should stretch across, but all 'content' stay fixed in the 980px spot :)


Is there a way to accomplish this?

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yes you can put the one div like as..

<div style="background: #FFFFFF; height: 84px;">
 <div id="page" class="container_9 clearfix">
here is your header div


Great, thanks. That solved part of the problem :) Please take a look now and you will understand what I need with the menu bar. I have added the code for a 50px heigh bar behind the logo. But where can I stretch the menu bar?

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most welcomes...please modify the frist post and mark the topic is soved..




I will, except it's not all solved :)  I still need the menubar to stretch also - like the headerfix, just with the Black transparent background and without moving the menuitems :) please check the page and you will see what I mean :) Thanks

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Anyone? :)


If you look at: philippejse.nu you can see that the header and footer stretches to full width, but with content centered in the 980px page. I wish to do the same with the top menu bar - have it stretch across, without moving the links in the bar. I can make it 100% width, but this moves the links too.

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Sure :)


Right now, I'm trying to work around it by adding header color and making a completely transparent menu. It's not what I'd prefer though.


Here's my header.tpl file, as it is right now:

  <div style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); height: 83px;">

        <div id="page" class="container_9 clearfix">
        <!-- Header -->	
    	<div id="header" class=" grid_9 alpha omega">
				<a id="header_logo" href="{$base_dir}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
					<img class="logo" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"style="width:980px; height:50px;""/>
				<div id="header_right" class="grid_9 omega" style="width:100%">

			<div id="columns" class="grid_9 alpha omega beta clearfix">
				<!-- Left -->
				<div id="left_column" class="column grid_2 alpha">

				<!-- Center -->
				<div id="center_column" class=" grid_5">

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 back-up your header.tpl file

after put new code your header.tpl file

and after tell me :) ...i help you

<div style="background:#FFFFFF;height:50px;">
    <div id="page" class="container_9 clearfix">
     <!-- Header -->    
        <div id="header" class=" grid_9 alpha omega">
            <a id="header_logo" href="{$base_dir}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
                    <img class="logo" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" style="width:980px;height:50px;"/>
<div style="background:#000000;height:24px;">
    <div id="page" class="container_9 clearfix">
                <div id="header_right" class="grid_9 omega" style="width:100%">
<div id="page" class="container_9 clearfix">
<div id="columns" class="grid_9 alpha omega beta clearfix">
    <!-- Left -->
            <div id="left_column" class="column grid_2 alpha">

                <!-- Center -->
                <div id="center_column" class=" grid_5">
Edited by Nishith Nesdiya (see edit history)
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GREAT!!! That could work. I just need to play around with it as there seems to be some other code pushing the menu down now. 


I'll get back to you as soon as I solve this and mark the topic as solved :) You're the best. Thanks for helping me out :)

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The solution Nishith provided me with is what worked best for me. That is as simple as putting a new div behind the logo and another behind the menubar and coloring that div the same as the logo and menu and then making sure height is the same as the two.


Here's my full header tlp. where both new divs are coded. You shouldn't need to alter other files to do this. Just remember to adjust the size of the two divs to the size of your own logofile and menu :) You find here that my logo-background-div is 50px and my menu-background-div is 34px.

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