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missing customer id number 1 so shipstation won't work


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ok, so i deleted the demo customer (id number 1) and now i need a customer with the id number 1 to make shipstation work..


see below from shipstation customer support..


anyone know how to easily import a customer with an ID of 1 in prestashop 1.5?


i tried exporting a csv file and editing it and loading it, but it did not do anything..



"Thanks for you patience while we investigated this issue. The reason why the store refresh is giving an error is because one of the orders that is attempting to import is referring to a customer with a Customer ID of 1. It appears this customer does not exist in your marketplace. Our development team ran a call to your store for all customers and received this response:

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<prestashop xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">;
<customer id="2" xlink:href="http://myshop.com/store/api/customers/2"/>;
<customer id="3" xlink:href="http://myshop.com/store/api/customers/3"/>;
<customer id="4" xlink:href="http://myshop.com/store/api/customers/4"/>;

</customers> </prestashop>
So, it looks like you have 2, 3, and 4, but no 1. Order ID#1 makes a reference to Customer ID#1. Once you add Customer ID 1, you should be able to successfully update your store and import your orders. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and we’ll be happy to help.


Matt L.
Customer Support Specialist"

Edited by wearCA (see edit history)
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