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Shipping issue?

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If you want one fixed price for any amount of products, you can use the 'shipping by weight' option. Don't add the shipping price per product, but add a 'weight' instead with each product (say 1kg)


Then make a carrier/shipping by weight and add:

from 1 to 10000 as step and add the fixed price here.


then: if a customer buys one product (=1kg) he pays this fixed price. When he buys 10 products (10kg) he still is inside this weight step, so he still pays he same fixed price.



You can also decide to weigh and add he real weight of the products and give more steps in the carrier/shipping rule that represent the real shipping price, if your carrier has different prices for different weights.


More info about shipping cost by weight here:



Hope this helps,


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Ok here's what I'm trying to do, I have my shipping set to $8 for everything and also add a additional shipping charge for certain things so if I sell something and it is $8 and an additional $17 the shipping charge is $25 if someone orders three more different items it is charging the full shipping amount for each additional item, so if they all individually were $25 shipping alone if you order all 4 items it's charges $100. I need to change this maybe the shipping only needs to be $30 is there any way to do this? This has been crippling my business I have all kinds of carts left because they are seeing huge shipping charges, your help would be greatly appreciated.

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Try this.

- NO additional shipping per item (take out all you set already)

- Add for all items that are 'normal' (no additional shipping costs) a weight 0.001kg

- add for all items you want to charge extra, say 10kg.


Then steps, using weight:

0-10kg $8

10-20 $25

20-1000 $30


What happens, when ordering only normal items, you will get the $8 shipping costs

When (also) buying 1 special item, (10kg or more, but not yet 20kg (which would be 2 special items), it charges $25

When buying 2 or more special items (20kg or more) it charges $30


Normal items are only 0.001kg, so someone would have to buy 10,000 normal items to get to the 10kg, which seems not realistic, and thus ok/safe to use.


Would this work?? If you want another price for 3 or more items, just add one more step 30kg-1000kg (and change step 3 to 20-30kg


(N.B. The end values of the steps are EXclusive, so end values 10kg, 20kg, 1000kg from the example are NOT within the range of that step. Instead it is the begin value of the next step (which is INclusive) so it gets that price.)


Hope this helps,


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  • 5 months later...

If there are too many products in the shop, it would be a long process to change the weights individually for each product. I found out there is a hard-coding solution to disable additional shipping per product to be added multiple times. Example on situation now in default: special product shipping is set to 2 dollars, customer buys one special product = shipping is 2 dollars, customer buys 2 special products = shipping is 4 dollars etc. 


In classes/Cart.php there is the following code: 

// Additional Shipping Cost per product
		foreach ($products as $product)
			if (!$product['is_virtual'])
				$shipping_cost += $product['additional_shipping_cost'] * $product['cart_quantity'];

If you remove the following: 

* $product['cart_quantity']  

the situation using the same example as above will be: customer buys 1 special product = shipping will be 2 dollars, customer buys 2 special products = shipping will still be 2 dollars instead of 4. 


Hope this helps someone. Let me know. 


PS: I'm using Prestashop



EDIT: Also check my other post on this topic: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/202426-additional-shipping-cost-overides-free-shipping/?p=2360035

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