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Adding new order in BO combined with price changes error

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When I add a new order in the backoffice I can change in the orderlines the prices of the articles.


This is a very buggy process. Sometimes it works and sometimes the price gets reset to zero. In the latter case it is impossible to change it back to something else. A colleague reported also a case where he couldn't change the price at all. The problem is line-specific: within the same order things may work alright for one line and result in zero pricing on the next line. 


The problem seem to happen more often (or only?) when there is more than one orderline in the order.


Does anyone recognize the problem? And have a solution? I am using

Edited by musicmaster (see edit history)
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Hi Musicmaster


Happy New Year


As I am happy with V1.5.4.1 I would prefer to know the fix, if it is simple I would rather do the change and keep what I think is a solid version going as opposed to chasing the rainbow.


Thanks anyway



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Hi MusicMaster


For your Interest


If what you have been told is correct I have checked the change log for version and found this comment [*] LO : Fixed a few bugs with currency formats in Back-Office orders


If I then use Google I get to this :- https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/870


When you look at the files being change it may make sense. Something for me to try on my test server one of these days. 



Edited by JerseyG (see edit history)
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Hi MusicMaster


I have fired up my test server and tried the changes that I assumed where the ones that had been highlighted as the problem, without success.


Not saying that going to version won't fix the problem but I tried the changes above on and it made no difference.

For me it is just pulling a price that I assume is in my data base that is closest to the figure that I have entered, but never the original.


Sorry that I can't help, it would be a great feature to put in an agreed price on a telephone order.



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