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How to safely upgrade?

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1.6 is coming up soon but I don't trust it will work out of the box, maybe the theme is not compatible and so on, I don't want to upgrade on a live site which I'm putting online in a few days without testing before.


Ideally I would want to


- copy the live prestashop files folder to another folder

- copy the live database to a new (different name) database and link the new db to the prestashop copy

- upgrade from the copy

- test, play and configure


once all set upgrade the live site from the copy previously set up and use the live database which in the mean time would have changed from the original copy.


How would I do that?

Edited by claybourg (see edit history)
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I don't wanna open a new topic for my case, it isn't worth it from my opinion.


Can I just interfere a little bit in here?  is it safe to upgrade prestashop to the version from the ?


I mean, I know usually ,after upgrading, several problems occur but there are two kind of problems, the minors and the majors.


If it's a compatibility about the template or some modules, I'm dead.


Can I get some advices?

Edited by cubi (see edit history)
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everything depends on many other things.

1) what theme you use? default? if so, you don't have to worry - everything will work fine.

2) what modules you use? only default?


and create a mirror of your store (for example on test domain/subdomain) or just on localhost

try to update your store in test environment!

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@vekia I use the default theme slightly modified. Most module are default, Connect to FedEx is modified as the default version does not work properly.


I would want to upgrade in test environment. My concern is if the update makes changes to the database structure, once I'm done testing and fixing the update, how to I import the live (old structure) database to the test new structure db before changing the test site to live?

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it's 'always' best to recreate your existing production shop, either create a subdomain or on your local pc.  This is going to be your test shop for trying upgrade method(s).


back this test shop up...so you can run the upgrade more than one.


now practice the different methods of upgrading...


this is IMHO, the only SAFE way to do it...


good luck!

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