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Show products with tax included?

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My shop is based in Australia but also ships internationally.

By law, all prices shown on the site must include tax (GST) in the product price. This tax only applies to Australian orders; international orders don't pay tax.

The majority of my customers are from Australia, and I need to set the website to display product prices with tax by default for all users (or unregistered users). Only if they choose a non-Australian address when they checkout should they see their prices without tax.

I have:
* Removed Australia from the Oceania zone.
* Created a new zone called 'Australia'.
* Edited the Australia 'country' to appear under the Australia zone.
* Created a tax called 'GST' of 10% and applied it to the Australia zone. I have also enabled tax.

Now matter what I do, I can't get prices to show with 10% GST, even though I've set up the product prices correctly (e.g. Pre-Tax price $10, Tax: GST (10%), Retail price with tax: $11).

Even when I set Price display to 'Both excluded and included tax', the product on the front-end shows as:
$10 tax incl.
$10 tax excl.

It should be $11 tax incl. , $10 tax excl.

Can someone please help me? I had this all under control with osCommerce.

Thanks in advance!

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