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Attribute prices have disappeared!?

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Hope someone can help with this or knows why this is happening.

I have one product with many different attributes and combinations. I spent ages setting the price for each attribute, then generated all the combinations, and it was working fine. When I check it again later, all the attribute add 0 to the price. I checked in the back office, and each attribute combination shows 0, when it definately had a value before.

Some background info:
- I have not upgraded to the latest version yet
- I am using microsoft hosting package, I heard that this could cause some problems

Does anyone know what is happening? It will take so long just to delete all the combinations before I can even redo it, and would like to know what is causing this before it happens again.

Thank you for any help!

best regards,


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On 1.2.4 I am missing a language flag when trying to add an attribute and after adding the attribute the product on the FO shows zero for the price but if you put it in the cart then it shows the correct price.

Anyone know what files are associated with a problem like this?

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