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Product Images - Display Problem

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:shut: As I have been loading products and images of my products, it seems that no matter how big the image is or the resolution type, the images always have a white border put around them. In the thickbox, the white border is even bigger and it takes away from the detail that I am trying to show with the larger images. How to I get the image to display full size withOUT a white border?
Thanks for the help in advance. :kiss:

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I have the same problem and tried to solve it with the resizing method, but no luck. Enlargements (tickbox) seem to be smaller than the product detail (large) images.

Maybe it is possible to change the lightbox so that it does give the actual image size and not a % of the screen resolution??? As this is what seems to happen.

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Yes, I tried this too, but no luck. Is there a way that we can set the image preferences to "self-adjust" to the images themselves? instead of setting a square box? If the preferences would allow us to use a "self-adjusting" format, then the images would completely fill the box regardless of their size and no border (or white space) would be created. I realize that this border is the result of the image preferences being set at something "square" (100 x 100 or 500 x 500) and the majority of my product images are "rectangle" in shape, in both portraits and landscapes, depending on the product.
I have also tried to "fill in" the white space on these images and re-upload them. It sometimes works, but OMG, do you know how many images I would be doing that to? Over 1,000 and OMG how long that would take.....
This is probably my greatest concern at the moment because with a background color on the web page, my portrait and landscape images look very strange with "white" on either side or on the top and bottom - it doesn't look professional and distracts from the overall appearance of the catalog. PLEASE HELP - somebody provide a solution and you will be loved forever! Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:roll: Has anyone figured out how to set the thickbox to "automatically" resize to the size of the image? If not, is there a way to have the image open on a new and separate webpage so a true full size LARGER image is displayed? The image issue is the only the second complaint I have with the Prestashop (the first is being able to do away with making the customers create an account - but that's being resolved in PS 1.0, right? :blank: )

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  • 4 months later...

Does anyone have THE SOLUTION???

Hi team! Why images backgorund become black after uploading product images? Where is the problem????

$destImage = @imagecreatetruecolor($destWidth, $destHeight);

$white = imagecolorallocate($destImage, 255, 255, 255);

imagefill($destImage, 0, 0, $white);

imagecopyresampled($destImage, $sourceImage, $borderWidth, $borderHeight, 0, 0, $nextWidth, $nextHeight, $sourceWidth, $sourceHeight);

imagecolortransparent($destImage, $white);

return (returnDestImage($fileType, $destImage, $destFile));

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